

X-ray services are available at several BMI sites throughout the Geelong region including McKellar Centre and Barwon Health North.

Patients should contact BMI Central Bookings office on 4215 0300 to make an appointment.

BMI Barwon Health North

X-ray is available 7 days per week 8:00 am to 9:30 pm

After-hours x-ray is now available at Barwon Health North 7 days per week – please call ahead for availability of appointments.  To contact BMI at this site please call 4215 8000.

Please refer to Barwon Health North.

What to expect?

Some x- rays may require you to remove clothing, change into a gown, or remove jewellery from the region being examined.

In the x-ray room the radiographer will assist you get into the position for the x-ray.

Sometimes you will be asked to hold your breath during imaging.

What is an X-ray?

An X-ray shows images of the inside of the body. X-rays are typically requested of the skeleton and can be used to examine soft tissues in the chest and abdomen. Multiple views from different directions are usually taken of bones.

How long does an X-ray take?

Most x-rays take between 5 and 20 minutes depending on the number of views required.

After the x-ray, you will be free to go about your day and normal activities.

Preparation for X-ray?

No preparation is required.

Safety Issues

Further information on Radiation can be found under our FAQ section.

Additional resources regarding children and imaging can also be found in our FAQ section.

Contact Us

If you require further information regarding an X-ray please call Barwon Medical Imaging on T. 4215 0300