OPG (Orthopantomogram) – Now at Barwon Health North.
OPG’s are available at BMI Barwon Health North – 7 days per week 9:30am – 9:30 pm. No appointment is necessary, however to avoid waiting you may wish to make an appointment by contacting bmi Bookings on 4215 8000.
Please ensure you bring your referral and Medicare card with you.
What to expect?
The radiographer will ask you to stand in the machine and to bite gently on a covered mouth piece to steady your head. As the x-ray tube moves around your head, the imaging plate moves in the opposite direction. This generates an image where the jaw is in focus, and the skull is blurred.
What is an OPG ?
An OPG is an X-ray that shows panoramic views of the mouth giving information on the teeth and the bones of the upper and lower jaw.
How long does an OPG take?
An OPG takes approximately five minutes.
Preparation for OPG?
No preparation is necessary for the test other than the removal of all jewellery in the region of your head, face and neck, such as piercings, ear rings, hair clips, necklaces and any dentures.
Safety Issues
Further information on Radiation can be found under our FAQ section.
Contact Us
If you require further information regarding an OPG please call Barwon Medical Imaging on T. 4215 0300 or 4215 8000